Junior American Citizens Sponsor: Daughters of the American Revolution Name Adopted: 1936 Motto: Justice - Americanism - Character
Junior American Citizens Prayer:
Our Father, we thank Thee that America is our Country. We thank Thee that we live under the Stars and Stripes. Help us always to be obedient, loyal American citizens. Amen
The Daughters of the American Revolution had "good citizenship" type programs early in their history, but the name Junior American Citizens wasn't adopted until 1936.
In 1936 the program was limited to children (and maybe just boys - see below) who were not eligible for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution. Their initial focus may have been with immigrant children or children of immigrant parents, but that focus evolved to include all children grades 1 thru 8th by 1939.
The program continues today - striving to promote good citizenship and knowledge of American history through essay contests.